Great collection of men formal suits 2016
A lot of men want and prefer to wear a formal suit, without attention to some important observations that will highlight his elegance or abuse them. In this regard, “What woman needs” will provide you with important tips that should every man, pay attention and be taken into account when you wear formal suit:
men formal suits 2016
men formal suits 2016
– The need to stay away from light colors when choosing clothes of work, that give the impression of seriousness and power to wear a dark suit with a white shirt and tie with a black red color.
– Blue shirt with a dark suit gives the impression of a friendly.
– You must get away from the wearing brown and green in formal occasions or presence at work meetings or events.
– the style of the suit it is very important; therefore you should pay attention when buying a suit, you must choose convenient cuts and appropriate for the sizes of your body, every man choose the appropriate suit to his body as it may be his success key, and there are some things that you should pay attention to it to feel comfortable when wearing them, namely:
men formal suits 2016
– The need to avoid the narrow jacket from the back or under the armpit, as it should be at the center rotation pants completely and not below.
– If the shape of the body inverted triangle as your shoulders is wide and a narrow middle like some athletes , can wear the jacket double rows of buttons.
– If you are short body , you should avoid variation in color between the jacket and pants so as not to seem shorter than you are.
– If you are closest to the pear-shaped body, where the buttocks wider than shoulders or are equal to them; choose socks and shoes in the same color of the pants to suggest lengthwise.
– The length of the jacket must reach to the bottom of the buttocks.
–Sleeved jacket must reach to the greatness of the wrist while the arm is straight.
– If the body has a short appearance and over weighted, should avoid uneven colors, should also avoid supply lines and long jacket and light fabrics , can choose a broad-based graphics tie in line with the body fat scale .
– Long slim body preferably wearing a wide and loose clothing to give the appearance of some imaginary additional weight to him, as the preferred different color for pants or jacket .
– T-shirts made from natural silk not in favor of wearing it, but only in the evening.
– T-shirts with graphics do not fit the official places and work.
men formal suits 2016
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