Natural Drinks to cure stomach acid and bloating
Are you suffer from the annoying gas, stomach acid and bloating? Do theses sufferings disturb your day and prevent you to live your day correctly? “What woman needs” offers through the following lines some of the natural juices that help digest well and prevent the bad feeling of bloating and acidity.
stomach acid and bloating
stomach acid and bloating
Natural lemon juice helps digestion, as it contains enzymes that help digest the fatty foods and protect the body from toxins, preferably to have a cup of lemon juice before meals quarter of an hour only, to get rid of the stomach acid and bloating.
Despite its harsh taste, but it has a lot of valuable benefits for the digestive system, especially if you drink it warm, and can be sweeten by a spoon of honey instead of industrial sugar, to relieve the gas and bloating.
stomach acid and bloating
3-Mint Drink:
A glass of cold mint helps to calm the nerves and the digestive system to work properly away from the tension, so you prefer a cup of mint after eating, but we warn the colon patients from this drink, because it leads to negative results.
stomach acid and bloating
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