Best food list treats erectile dysfunction
Many men around the world are suffering from Erectile dysfunction, may be the reason, in some cases, is not morbid, it requires following certain diets focus on some of the items that possess good benefits and effects. “What woman needs” picks you up a set of these food items, in the following list:
erectile dysfunction
erectile dysfunction
It’s very rich in the amino acid l-citrulline, which can help to promote erection. Once you enter this element in the body, it turns into l-arginine and stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which increases the blood flow to the penis, erection also will be enhanced.
Ginger is another food that can improve your sex life by helping the blood flow and improve the health of the arteries. According to a study published in the International Journal of Cardiology, a teaspoon of it a couple of times of a week is all you need to reap benefits for the heart. As it has been proved to raise the levels of testosterone and sperm survival.
Also see: 5 foods help in increasing libido
A recent study found that the pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants that support the blood flow , it can help to improve erection. Studies conducted on animals has been confirmed that it improves long-term erection response .
erectile dysfunction
Green tea
It’s a drink high rich in antioxidants, save you from belly fat, it accelerates the liver’s ability to convert fat into energy. antioxidants work to increase the desire by enhancing blood flow to the lower region, working to destroy the free radicals that cause inflammation of the blood vessels, and increase its ability to blood transfusions, and stimulates the blood vessels to release nitric oxide cells, which increases the blood vessel size, this leads to improved blood flow and improve performance. Recommended to drink four cups a day of it.
Dark chocolate
Cocoa enhances support the hormone serotonin, which reduces stress levels, and the desire to increase and facilitate the arrival of orgasm. It also increases the flow of blood through the arteries and relaxes the blood vessels, which conducts blood to all areas, enhanced sexual pleasure.
erectile dysfunction
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