Wednesday, May 3, 2017

The perfect way to Apply Ice Diet


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Apply Ice Diet

“What woman needs” will let you learn the best way to follow the ice diet, especially as this diet helps to slim and get the graceful and wonderful fitness. In this context, you will learn with us today the best way to help you apply ice diet easily and mastery.

Also see: Ice cream diet plan for losing weight

What is the best way to apply ice diet?
This diet is based on having ice cubes throughout the day to lose the extra weight that causes discomfort to many women. In this context, they will have a day-to-day ice cubes as main meals and snacks to avoid hunger. 
Some women can eat light meals such as meat, chicken, or grilled fish. In this context, women should regulate their mealtime. Ice cubes help to burn fat a lot, especially since the body has increased fat burning , And you get the strength and get rid of excess weight.

Apply Ice Diet

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Some women also follow this diet in order to lose weight in a quick way. They compensate snacks during the day by eating ice cubes, which replace sweets and foods rich in sugar and salt. In this way, women avoid gaining excess weight as a result of these foods. And some of them resort to Ice diet at evening meals to prevent the accumulation of fat before sleep and prevent burning in the right way, and thus It’s easy to gain weight. So eating ice in the evening helps get rid of this problem to a great extent.

Apply Ice Diet

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3 Ways Overcome your own laziness and inactivity


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Overcome your own laziness and inactivity

Laziness and inactivity affect a lot of people of different ages, for several and different reasons, but the result is one desire to sleep and not to do any physical activity, loss of ability to do any work. Inactivity may be the result of certain diseases such as anemia, thyroid dysfunction, poor nutrition, lack of sleep and stress. Here is how to cure the inactivity by natural methods:

Also see: 9 foods for vigor and vitality the whole day

Healthy food
There is a strong correlation between food type and degree of human activity and laziness. Fast food filled with fat and soft drinks cause tiredness and laziness. The lazy person may also suffer from physical weakness as a result of not eating some foods containing minerals and vitamins, and therefore should eat healthy food, such as vegetables and fruits containing the vitamins needed by the body, so that he can make the necessary activity.

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Drinking water
Drought and lack of fluid in the body may cause numbness. Water is a large proportion of the components of the cells, so when the fluid in the cell decreases, the ability to perform functions and tasks becomes difficult. It is necessary to drink water at least eight glasses a day, as well as natural juices, and to reduce drinking of tea, coffee or soft drinks that lead to urination and thus dry the body.

Overcome your own laziness and inactivity

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Physical activity
Sitting for long periods of time in front of a television or computer leads to energy depletion. So it is necessary to stay away from this habit. Practice some exercises that can activate the body and lead to the activation of blood movement in its organs. The lack of exposure to outdoor air and sunlight can cause fatigue and inactivity, so it is necessary to get out slightly under the sun, which is the main source of vitamin D.

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Overcome your own laziness and inactivity


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Best Kids Bathroom Decor Ideas 2017


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Kids Bathroom Decor Ideas 2017

We , for sure, take care of our kids and every little details relate to them in order to insure the best health for them, one of the important issues to take care with is their own bathroom decor, So, “What woman needs” brings you the top and best kids bathroom decor ideas to give your kids more joy during the the time they spend in their bathroom, as well as 2 effective ways to spread lovely smell in their own bathroom.

Also see: Latest Wallpapers decorating ideas on your elegant home

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To perfume the bathroom, Place 4 crushed cloves, add half a cup of water and a little vanilla and mix them together. Then add the aromatic oil with a quarter cup of vinegar and lemon juice together, put on top of crushed cinnamon sticks and crushed orange peel. Mix all these ingredients together, then pour the mixture into an old sprayer, shake it well after filling it, and use it whenever you like to spray the bath.

Kids Bathroom Decor Ideas 2017

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Mix a cup of baking soda, a cup of citric acid powder with 15-20 drops of aromatic oil. In another container mix the oxygen, vinegar and aromatic oil drops, then add to the rest of the soda mixture, and avoid the addition of liquid substances to the soda directly because it causes the reaction of soda and loss its effect. You can choose one of refreshing perfumes such as lemon grass, lavender and watermelon.
With this mixture, prepare balls or half balls with the measuring spoon. Place the ingredients on the butter paper in a metal tray. Leave the material dry for at least four hours, or for a full night, and then store it in a sealed glass.

Kids Bathroom Decor Ideas 2017

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DIY Natural Baking soda Shampoo recipe


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Baking soda Shampoo recipe

If you want to prepare a useful and nutritious type of shampoo for your hair gives you a soft, dandruff-free and fat-free head, “What woman needs” today will give you the best natural shampoo for hair you can prepare at home easily and quickly without any trouble.

Also see: 5 Natural alternatives to shampoo

How do you get the best natural hair shampoo?
The best natural shampoo we can bring at home is baking soda shampoo because it is a simple and inexpensive shampoo. Baking soda is a nice ingredient on the hair that cleans it perfectly. It is better than others. This recipe varies from person to person depending on the amount of fat produced by the body. These factors affect the amount of soda and water needed. In the case you have thick curly hair will need a little more powder of soda.

Baking soda Shampoo recipe

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Method of preparing baking soda shampoo
By using a small bottle, add one teaspoon of powder to each cup of water, as mentioned, if your hair is thick. You may want to add more soda powder and mix well so that you can melt the powder and get the homemade shampoo. The way to use this powder is by moistening the hair with water and using it as a normal shampoo. massage your scalp Carefully and add more as needed. Wash your hair after using shampoo and get the best hair shampoo.
It is important to take care of the health of your hair and this shampoo will give you the result you are waiting for.

Baking soda Shampoo recipe

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Easy Ways Keep your makeup germ-free


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Keep your makeup germ-free

Many women believe that their own cosmetics are always safe to use, and are not susceptible to germs. But you will be surprised that it may lead to a skin infection or skin rash. So, “What woman needs” offers you tips to keep your cosmetics free from germs.

First, Do not let your friends use your own cosmetics, do not use other people’s cosmetics and put them on skin so that the bacteria do not move. Wash your hands before using cosmetics especially foundation cream always. Also, wash all makeup and sponge brushes with warm water and shampoo every 3-4 days.

Keep your makeup germ-free

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Don’t forget to not put your cosmetics in the bathroom because it contains a lot of germs and microbes. But put it in a dry and cool place.

Also see: Simple Steps Clean beauty Blender correctly

As we in the summer season and the weather is warm, put your lipstick and nail polish into the refrigerator. Check the validity of your cosmetics. Mascara is the shortest cosmetics age and must be replaced every 3 months. Eye and lip pens should not be kept for more than two years.
Foundation and Concealer Creams extend to a maximum of one year. The validity of makeup brushes is not less than 3 years in case of good use. Sponges used in cosmetics can only be used for a few months because bacteria accumulate in them.

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Keep your makeup germ-free


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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

3 Effective compounds burn belly fats


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Effective compounds burn belly fats

The belly fat is a common problem by most people, as fat accumulate in this region, and often can not be solved by the diet. However, some compounds have an effect in combating the mentioned problem, according to nutrition specialists, namely:

Also see: 6 Healthy foods help weight loss effectively

1. Polyphenols: It’s antioxidants and available in a range of foods, including tea, coffee, vegetables and chocolates. The researchers noted that resveratrol, one of the strongest “polyphenols”, had a positive effect on activity and is available in red grape and berries, They noted that resveratrol reduced the development of fat cells and tissues in mice, Therefore, individuals with difficulty in weight loss should have supplementing of resveratrol to reduce inflammation and induce weight loss, or increase the intake of foods rich in resveratrol.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪polyphenols rich food‬‏

2. Nutcatone: The compound is available in grapefruit. A group of researches have shown its role in increasing the burning of fat and calories, as well as reduce the accumulation of fat in the stomach. Therefore, Take grapefruit as a snack, add slices of fruit to spinach salad, or drink grapefruit juice to boost your immunity.

Effective compounds burn belly fats

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3. Capsicine: It is available in Cayenne pepper, promotes the burning of calories. A study published in the British Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that when one consumes Capsicine to maintain weight, it helps in fat oxidation (fat cracking). Therefore, “What woman needs” calls for the addition of pepper to the recipes, such as: chicken , to burn fat effectively, and purify the body of toxins.

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Effective compounds burn belly fats


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نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪when you shouldn't wear makeup‬‏


There are some certain times when makeup is never preferred, because it may affect the skin, lead to the appearance of pimples, and the spread of acne on your skin, you should always consider choosing the right time to wear makeup.

Here are the times when you should avoid wearing makeup:
– Avoid wearing makeup during exercise, as your skin pores are open, which helps absorb any chemicals that may be present on them, which, in turn, increases the chances of the emergence of acne and pimples on the skin, but if you want to hide a defect of your skin , That’ OK to apply concealer on the places of pimples only, and there are some types of makeup designed for these times, and you can use.

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– During exposing to the sun: It is better for you when you go out in the summer in the morning, where you will expose to the sun too much, avoid putting any kind of makeup, just put the sunscreen only to protect your skin from the sun.


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– If you are doing hard work that will increase the production of sweat, avoid wearing makeup at that time, sweating opens the pores, and the accumulation of dirt and fat inside, increasing the chance of the emergence of acne and pimples on your skin.

Also see: An easy natural makeup remover you can prepare at home

– Don’t wear before sleeping: One of the most common things that lead to the appearance of wrinkles, and the accumulation of pimples on the skin is sleeping with makeup, get rid of this destructive habit of the skin, to get a bright and sparkling face in the morning constantly. Wash your skin with special washing before your sleep, then apply your appropriate moisturizer.


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