Friday, August 26, 2016

5 erroneous beliefs about cleaning the vagina area


5 erroneous beliefs about cleaning the vagina area
It is necessary to take care of every woman’s sensitive area. This area is of an acidic nature, contain good bacteria inhibit the growth of fungi and the occurrence of infections. The healthy vagina cleans itself through the secretion of cleaning substances when this area is exposed to infections and itching, here you should not worry, Find out what they are the wrong beliefs and the right ones.

cleaning the vagina area

cleaning the vagina area

cleaning the vagina area 

You must clean the area so deeply (Douching): error
One of the biggest mistakes that can be committed by women are the deep clean of the sensitive area from the inside. This area contains good bacteria that balance the acidity coefficient of PH in the skin. The in-depth cleaning kills the good bacteria that leads to the woman’s risk of infections.

Also see: Best nutrition maintain the sensitive area’ health

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪cleaning the vagina area‬‏
It is necessary to use a special soap to clean the vagina: Error
It is normal soap is enough , even better than the special lotion , which contains scented material which is the leading cause of inflammation and itching.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪cleaning the vagina area‬‏
This area should be washed more than once a day: Error
Once is enough. as washing less than once will not get rid of sweating and secretions, and washing more than once destroys the PH level of acidity coefficient, then you will get itching.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪cleaning the vagina area‬‏

cleaning the vagina area 

Rub the area with loofa is necessary to clean it well: Error
Throw it away! It will cause a very small cracks , you will be susceptible to fungus. Cleaning with soap and hand from the outside is more than enough.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪cleaning the vagina area‬‏
Daily sanitary pads are necessary to keep the area clean: Error
During the menstrual cycle, Use sanitary pads, of course, and make sure to change them on a periodically way. But on ordinary days, do not use daily sanitary pads that absorb natural vaginal secretions and keep it warm, moist area, which means a safe environment for the growth of fungi.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪sanitary pads‬‏

cleaning the vagina area 


The post 5 erroneous beliefs about cleaning the vagina area appeared first on What Woman Needs.

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